Sunday, December 14, 2008

my first post

my garden

God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.



miruspeg said...

Lovely first post Silver and beautiful words.


SILVER said...

oh peg! you're always so sweet to me!!

Lille Diane said...

Is this really your first post??? WOW! I am a baby in the blog world and your natural ability at this blows me away. I love your blog.

This is kind of funny... I started a cleansing fast today & discover your tasty blog... too funny! I will eat my way through your delicious pages devouring every picture and detail!

Thank you, Silver, for your kind words on my post. It meant a lot to me to know someone I don't know took some time to read yesterday's message. hugs to you :-)

SILVER said...

Lille Diane-

how did i miss this one?

you must think i'm horrible!

i enjoyed reading your blog and it seems so to me that you're such a kind soul who have a heart for others who are afflicted, who are down.. and you're not intimidated by all that. Most would prefer to run the other way, but you appear to me as one who would sit and won't mind the silence.
